Mother Daughter Duo

Midwife and Home Birth Mom

Jenn Crawford, LM, CPM, CLC has always dreamed of having a small midwifery school and birth center in St Thomas… She had to be a little more realistic being a busy midwife practicing in Dallas & Waxahachie! You can learn more about Jenn here. As a previous student of Ancient Art Midwifery Institute she learned about their community birth schools at a skills day in North Carolina. During her studies she felt as a student she lacked community and support which she’s built in to DFW Community Birth School’s programs. Her vision includes having community guest instructors during regular classes and workshops.

Emiley Acuña had a beautiful home birth in 2021 giving birth to her first baby, Hudson. She never considered giving birth at a hospital as natural birth was normal to her. She felt well supported through midwifery care and loves sharing her experience. Emiley is a full time stay at home mom while working on student support during nap time. She plans to pursue her dreams of becoming a Nurse Practitioner Spring 2023.